Yuzuru Hanyu builds a total package, combining skating and jumping. (5ページ目)
When Hanyu was selecting the song and programme for the free skate, he took care of "the total expressions". For that, he enthusiastically said, "I can thoroughly improve my performance, and ensure the programme transmits the subtle breathing (to the audience)."
"I can gradually become more connected to the fans this season because I have come to enjoy two programmes. That is what I have gained. I think the base has been created. At Skate Canada, there were no fundamentals and I collapsed."
In the NHK Trophy his first quadruple loop was stepped out, but the other elements in the short programme were convincingly performed. In the latter half of the free skate, he completed a quadruple loop, which he had struggled to achieve before. In other words, Hanyu was finally prepared to perfect his new performance at the NHK Trophy.
This was also a starting point for PyeongChang 2018, which was coming the following year.
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