
Yuzuru Hanyu builds a total package, combining skating and jumping. (3ページ目)

  • text by Toshimi Oriyama
  • photo by Sunao Noto(a presto)

Hanyu usually jumped a triple Axel before his name was called, but here he did a triple loop twice and checked the motion of the last Salchow, in order to get a feeling for the loop.

He stuck to his principles concerning the quadruple loop. After the Skate Canada International, Brian Orser told him, "Take good care of the total package", and they discussed things at length. From Orser's point of view, Hanyu was too concentrated on the quadruple loop and not paying enough attention to the other elements.

Hanyu replied honestly to his coach that "I want to do a quadruple loop first because this is a part of the performance." For him, completing the performance means that every jump in the programme must be finely executed no matter how difficult they are.

"Until the Skate Canada International, I'd attached importance to skating for jumps, which I achieved in Canada. So I discussed (with Orser) about building a total package, combining skating and jumping. Thanks to those discussions, our relationship has become clear without boundaries in this fourth year, and the quality of training has improved as well."

While Hanyu was working to perfect the quadruple Salchow he was able to take a step forward, and that was why he thought a quadruple loop had to be carried out at the NHK Trophy. For that reason he said afterwards, "I flew a lot out of the traps (in the beginning) in order to jump the quadruple loop".

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