
What is the behavior of Japanese players that TARIK, who played at Shonan Bellmare until last year, feels is a waste?

  • text by Igawa Yoichi
  • photo by Kishiku Torao

Why JAPAN?-Reasons why I play in Japan-

Interview with TARIK Elyounoussi Part 3

※This interview was conducted in November 2023.

"I love everything about Japan and Hiratsuka where I live. I think the culture of respect for people and nature, cleanliness and hard work is really great. Sometimes I even wish the whole world was like Japan, when I see and hear about conflicts happening around the world."

Tarik said this of his impression of Japan. He also likes the country's beautiful four seasons, especially autumn, his favourite season during which we had our interview. He said his wife and two children also enjoy their life in Japan.

On the other hand, Tarik also feels there are things Japanese people lack in general.

"Of course it's good to respect others, but it's not good to be too careful and not express your opinion at all," he said. "For example, in Shonan Bellmare's team meetings, very few players try to express their opinions. It's a team, so it's not wrong to respect the manager's ideas. But our manager is an open person and sometimes asks for the players' opinions, but there are really few who are willing to say anything in that situation."

In Japanese society, if a group has a leader it is considered good practice to follow his or her policies and is even thought to be a path to success. In some ways, it was considered a form of happiness to be favoured and promoted by the group's influential figures by listening to them and 'grinding the sesame seeds' by flattering them in order to gain favour.

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